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/ MacWorld 1996 April / Macworld (1996-04).dmg / Shareware World / Entertainment / Arcade / Missions of the Reliant! / Main.rsrc / Main.rsrc.adf

Jump To: Image (503)  |  Audio (30)  |  Font (2)  |  Text (14)  |  Other (4)

Images (503)

Audio & Music (30)
snd_9000_Computer on.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.07s 14KB 1994-05-04
snd_9002_screen sound.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.06s 12KB 1994-05-04
snd_9003_computer click.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.01s 2KB 1994-05-04
snd_9004_quick display sound.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.02s 2KB 1994-05-04
snd_9005_crew command sounds.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.02s 4KB 1994-05-04
snd_9007_Hail Base.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.09s 8KB 1994-05-04
snd_9008_Phasers.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.03s 2KB 1994-05-04
snd_9009_Tractor Beam.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.03s 2KB 1994-05-04
snd_9010_Enemy Hit.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.09s 9KB 1994-05-04
snd_9011_Cloak Sound.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.09s 6KB 1994-05-04
snd_9013_EnemyTorp.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.03s 5KB 1994-05-04
snd_9014_Player Torp.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.07s 6KB 1994-05-04
snd_9015_Radar Warning2.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.06s 3KB 1994-05-04
snd_9017_Warp Off.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 12KB 1994-05-04
snd_9018_Warp On.wav Waveform Audio File Format 2s 45KB 1994-05-04
snd_9020_A bad sound.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.02s 3KB 1994-05-04
snd_9021_A good beep.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.04s 2KB 1994-05-04
snd_9022_Can't Fire Phasers.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.02s 1KB 1994-05-04
snd_9023_Player Hit 1.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.09s 8KB 1994-05-04
snd_9024_Cruiser Explosion.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 16KB 1994-05-04
snd_9025_comm beep.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.04s 3KB 1994-05-04
snd_9026_Alarm Sound.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.08s 8KB 1994-05-04
snd_9027_Warning.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 6KB 1994-05-04
snd_9028_Fighter Explosion.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 11KB 1994-05-04
snd_9029_Player Hit 2.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.09s 9KB 1994-05-04
snd_9030_Doom Sound.wav Waveform Audio File Format 4s 30KB 1994-05-04
snd_9031_Player Hit + Scream.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 11KB 1994-05-04
snd_9032_Phaser Charge.wav Waveform Audio File Format 3s 17KB 1994-05-04
snd_9035_Zap Me, Baby.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.02s 1KB 1994-05-04
snd_9999_Startup Sound.wav Waveform Audio File Format 2s 15KB 1994-05-04

Fonts (2)
NamePreview NamePreview

TrueType Font

1994-05-04 (42KB)

TrueType Font

1994-05-04 (23KB)

Text (14)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
DITL.txt Text File 99 2KB 1994-05-04
DLOG.txt Text File 61 1KB 1994-05-04
STR#_128.txt Text File 221 945b 1994-05-04
STR#_129.txt Text File 181 565b 1994-05-04
STR#_130.txt Text File 25 133b 1994-05-04
STR#_131.txt Text File 31 1KB 1994-05-04
STR#_132.txt Text File 9 300b 1994-05-04
STR#_133.txt Text File 201 890b 1994-05-04
STR#_200.txt Text File 29 57b 1994-05-04
STR#_201.txt Text File 257 572b 1994-05-04
STR#_202.txt Text File 29 193b 1994-05-04
TEXT_128.txt Text File 1 171b 1994-05-04
TEXT_129.txt Text File 11 1KB 1994-05-04
WIND.txt Text File 65 1KB 1994-05-04

Other Files (4)
FOND_1047_SapirSans Unknown 672b 1994-05-04
FOND_2315_SteelWolf Unknown 672b 1994-05-04
styl_130 Unknown 22b 1994-05-04
styl_131 Unknown 62b 1994-05-04